Sunday, April 17, 2011

Recovery and P McD & Nikki Reed


So, I've recovered from an upsetting episode of American Idol on Thursday night. Although, come Wednesday who knows how I'll feel. It was super hard to watch Paul McDonald leave the show (I cried, alright? I couldn't help myself), but reading his interviews and listening to his music have gotten me through these tough times.

I found it very interesting, though, that P McD felt like it was his time to go on Thursday. On Jay Leno, he even said he felt it was "time to cruise on out." Here is what he told TV Guide.
TV Guide Magazine: You said you had a feeling that it was your time to go.
McDonald: I did. I felt it in my gut. I felt like I had run my course. I tried to do these covers as good as I could, but it never really felt right. I was always kind of uncomfortable on the Idol stage just because it was out of my element. I really felt like I had gone as far as I could. Because I'm not the best singer. I'm a songwriter and an artist, and all these other people have amazing voices. So I could only go so far. And I knew it.  And I thought, I think this is the night. And I was happy with it. Lauren Alaina — she's like my little sister — she said, "Don't you say that, Paul. You ain't goin' nowhere. Please don't leave me."

Clearly Paul felt like he knew he was going home (which in my mind explains why he wore his Grand Magnolias shirt Thursday). I thought this was a rather endearing comment because he knew that these younger contestants have wanted to become a star via Idol for such a long time. Let's face it, Paul was here for the publicity and time to showcase his band, which was a great idea. I think it's awesome that he didn't want to take away from everyone else's shot at winning.
And I love that him and Lauren Alaina were like siblings, Paul is just awesome. Everyone seemed really upset that he was leaving, especially Lauren and Twitch. And America will miss him too!

Paul and Nikki

Naturally, this had to be discussed. All the rumors floating around the past few weeks were verified by Paul himself. Here's what he said during that huge press conference.
He confirms: He is dating Nikki Reed from the Twilight movies. He met her at the Little Red Riding Hood premiere a few weeks ago.  “Yep. Me and Nikki Reed are dating. It’s officially true. She’s super cool. She’s super smart, really cool girl. I’m happy with it. We’ve been hanging out here and there. We’re both pretty busy. It’s been fun so far.”

If he's happy, then I'm happy. As long as Nikki treats P McD well, then it's all good. Because he's still my Future Fiancè. (And I doubt Nikki would let Paul wear his black rhinestone cowboy suit to their wedding like I will. Pfft.)
But seriously, yay Paul. And he said he won't watch any of her Twilight movies, which is an added plus. Clearly he wants to like Nikki as a person, not as a celebrity. How adorable.

That's all for now, folks! I'll try and write another Idol review/recap this week, but it will most likely be very snarky with the loss of Paul.

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