Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Attention World: New Mumford & Sons Song

Look, this is the highlight of my day, and possibly my week. Just now (literally, this just happened), I was gandering at Paul McDonald's Twitter, something which I haven't done in quite awhile, and he posted a link to a new Mum & Sons song! How excited are you? Super, I'm sure.

Here's the quick lowdown:
This song is called "Home," and this magical band recorded this song while on the radio, KBCO, in Denver (represent). After listening to this beautiful song, I realized that they sang this at the concert I attended in Denver (I'm pretty much 90% sure of this fact), and I was super excited. So anyway, this song is amazing. Marcus' voice sounds like an angel, and Winston's harmonies with him are breathtaking. Truly breathtaking. The instruments are soft, but they support the lyrics to a T. Here it is, folks! By the way, you're welcome (we should also thank Paul McDonald, who not only first got me to buy a Mum & Sons song, but also posted this link).
Click HERE to weep.
Did you weep? I bet you did.

We are spectacular.

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